Brief Description of
"Riverside Chapel"
In June of 1991 Pastor Hiromasa Amano and his then finance, Yurika, launched a church in Soka city with only two other members. Buddhism and Shinto are two dominant religions there, thus teaching residents about Father God and Jesus Christ.
Through a vision, God gave Pastor Amano a promise that "he would increase the number of members by a thousand times." It was this promise that kept them focused on the goal.
Five years after its establishment, more than fifty Japanese members gathered to worship God. At the same time, people from overseas began to join their prayer. Those foreign brothers and sisters are from North America, Africa and other part of Asia.
By the year 1999 we have grown into one of the major multilingual worship centers in our domain. Services conducted include English, Korean, Philippino and Portuguese. Prayer and sincere devotion has been the key to our success.
1991年6月、天野牧師と当時まだ彼のフィアンセだったゆりかさんは、あと二人のメンバーと共に、ここ草加にリバーサイドチャペルを創立しました。 仏教や神道の盛んな土地柄ですので、当初は信仰者を集め教えを広めるのは非常に困難な事でした。
創立から5年後、既に50名以上の信仰者達が集い神に祈りを捧げました。 その頃から、海外よりのクリスチャン達が次々と仲間入りしました。 こうした兄弟姉妹たちは、北米大陸、アフリカ、そしてアジア圏の国々より、ユニークな個性・経験と価値観を教会にもたらしました。
そして1999年、リバーサイドチャペルは地元のみならず首都圏内でも、国際的な教会として注目されるようになりました。 現在では英語、韓国語、フィリピン語、ポルトガル語などでのサービスも行っています。祈りと誠意ある奉仕こそが、リバーサイドチャペルがここまで成長できた原動力と言っても過言ではないでしょう。
Introducing Our Pastors...
Pastor Marilyn Parsons
Pastor Marilyn grew up in Baie Verte, Newfoundland on the East Coast of Canada. This is where she found faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. She received the Load at a young age and continued to grow in faith.
Following graduation from Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, Pastor Marilyn came to Japan, Soka City Riverside Chapel pastored by Hiromasa Amano. She began ministering as a Missionary English Teacher and later pastored "the English Service" of Riverside Chapel International.
*She is currently undertaking her Master degree at Tyndale University and Seminary, and planning to return to Japan in summer, 2005.