Japan Assemblies of God, Riverside Chapel English Service

***** "Therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed me from the law of sin and of death." Romans 8:1,2

Welcome to Riverside Chapel

Riverside Chapel
English Service

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News Letter/リバーサイドニュース

Donate And Help Our Fellows!!

A Letter from Jerusalem Christian Academy

Dear Brethren,

JERUSALEM CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (hereafter JCA,) a school for children ages 3 - 12 years old is a non-stock and non-profit institution run under NEW JERUSALEN GLOBAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST.

JCA is now on its 3rd year of operation. We thank God for His ceaseless blessings and divine guidance.

JCA aims to bring the highest standards of education to brilliant children from unfortunate families and to help them develop spiritually in a Christ centered education.

JCA believes that Christian Education is the only education for the "real world." It is with this conviction that we are praying for partners and sponsors, for the scholarship of our unfortunate pupils who cannot continue their studies due to poverty. Last school year we had 80 pupils, 20 of them are scholars.

At the heart of JCA is our desire to respond to the Education of our unfortunate pupils and we cannot fulfill this without your help and support.

You can help these children continue their studies by sponsoring one or more child. This coming school year by donating;

  • \2,000: which will pay for the books of one pupil.

  • \4,500: which will pay for the Tuition Fees of one JCA pupil.

  • \10,000: which will support all the Tuition Fee, Books, Uniform, School Supplies and Miscellaneous of one JCA pupil for one year.

  • Any amount: which will count as donation to JCA Scholars.

  • Finally, we will appreciate your sponsorship if you could send your gift on or before June 1st, so we will have sufficient time to coordinate with our scholars. The Word of God says, "Do good to all men, especially the household of faith." (Galatians 6:10)

    Donation may be remitted to:

    c/o Ptr. Benny C. Cabrera
    Saving Account No. 292-501369-5
    Philippine National Bank Project 8 Branch Philippines

    In Christ Service,

    Ptr. Benny C. Cabrera
    JCA President

    Marilou F. Rodriguez
    JCA Directress

    Copyrights 2004, Lighthouse, All rights reserved.